Mark Gresham skrev med store bokstaver om Davids fremførelse av Julius Conus
Atlantas mest mest leste musikkommentator, Mark Gresham , skrev med store bokstaver den 7/3 om Davids fremførelse av den russiske komponisten Julius Conus fiolinkonsert med Atlanta Symphony Orchestra: “COUCHERON SHINES AS SOLOIST”.
Anmeldelsen av konserten var strålende og publikums mottakelse var overveldende. David har virkelig blitt trykket til brystet hos de mange tusen konsertgjengere han i løpet av sine ni år har virket som konsertmester i Atlanta Symphony Orcehestra. Gresham skriver videre: «Conus Violin Concerto gave ASOs concert master, David Coucheron, plenty to showcase in terms of both technique and musical expression, with its richly romantic solo part which was able to sing over (and in-between) a generally fulsome orchestral texture. The 19 minute concerto`s three sections were played without pause. A robust 55 bar introduction by the orchestra preceded the entry of Coucheron`s solo part in a brief recitative that led into a singing theme in the violin over pianissimo chords. The work then wends its way through alternating passages of singing melody and technical prowess for the violin before reaching the climatic 55 bar written out cadenza. Coucheron returned to the stage for an encore which he gratiously chared with his college, principal second violinist Julianne Lee. The played an unaccompanied duett that threatened to outshine the Conus Concert itself: The Concert Caprice on Norwegian Melodies by Johan Halvorsen, a Norwegian composer whose life was contemporaneous with that of Conus.»
Full sal og Stående Applaus! Som en av David’s tidligere kollegaer spontant uttrykte det: ”He Nailed It!”